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Hari Perempuan se-Dunia bersama Embamex Indonesia – Institut Kesenian Jakarta
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Hari Perempuan se-Dunia bersama Embamex Indonesia

International Women’s Day

Women in the Arts: Challenges And Opportunities

Indonesia, 8 March 2022

9.30 – 9.31 WIB Opening remarks by MC Lizett Aceves (Consul & Cultural Attaché of Embamex, Jakarta)

9.31 – 9.33 WIB Inaugural Speech by Ambassador Armando Álvarez (Embassy of Mexico in Indonesia)

9.33 – 9.34 WIB Introduction of Vice Rector of Research, Innovation and Community Service of Jakarta Institute of Arts: Dr. Madia Patra Ismar, S. Sn., M. Hum. by MC Lizett Aceves

9.34 – 9.37 WIB Inaugural Speech by Representative of Institut Kesenian Jakarta

9.37 – 9.38 WIB Introduction of Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Alumni of ISI Denpasar: Dr. Anak Agung Gde Rai Remawa by MC Lizett Aceves

9.38 – 9.41 WIB Inaugural Speech by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Alumni of ISI Denpasar: Dr. Anak Agung Gde Rai Remawa

9.41 – 9.42 WIB Introduction of First Speaker: Cathia Cuevas by MC Lizett Aceves 

9.42 – 9.57 WIB Speech by Cathia Cuevas

9.57 – 9.58 WIB Introduction of Second Speaker: Nan T. Achnas by MC Lizett Aceves

9.58 – 10.13 WIB Speech by Nan T. Achnas

10.13 – 10.14 WIB Introduction of Third Speaker: Elena Catalán by MC Lizett Aceves

10.14 – 10.29 WIB Speech by Elena Catalán

10.29 – 10.30 WIB Introduction of Fourth Speaker: Tjok Istri Ratna Cora Sudarsana by MC Lizett Aceves

10.30 – 10.45 WIB Speech by Tjok Istri Ratna Cora Sudarsana, translated by Avionita Putri

10.45 – 10.46 WIB Introduction of Fifth Speaker: Sandra Lorenzano by MC Lizett Aceves

10.46 – 11.01 WIB Speech by Sandra Lorenzano

11.01 – 11.02 WIB Opening of Questions and Answers Session by MC Lizett Aceves

11.02 – 11.17 WIB Questions and Answers Session

11.17 – 11.18 WIB Closing remarks by MC Lizett Aceves



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