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The Migrant – Institut Kesenian Jakarta
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The Migrant

The Migrant

A multimedia exhibition by Anaïs López


21 January – 6 March 2022



Thursday, 20 January 2022

19:30 Jakarta Time


Introduction by:

Dr. Indah Tjahjawulan, M.Sn

Rector, Jakarta Institute of Arts (IKJ)


Live interview (online) with

Anaïs López


If you would like to attend the opening, kindly register to:



Erasmus Huis

Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav S-3

Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan


Opening hours

Tuesday – Saturday

10:00 – 16:00 Jakarta Time


‘The Migrant’ is the story of one bird’s remarkable journey – told through the character of Mynah – from Indonesia to Singapore and later to London, where it became homesick and stopped singing. Years and years of relocation and persecution followed. But the project also tells a wider story about our treatment of animals, social engineering and our attempt to shape an ideal society. At the same time it is a metaphor for our relationship with ‘the migrant’.


In this layered project, López uses audio, video, text and photography to take you on an unprecedented journey.




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